i Don’t Believe it is a Right to Bear Arms…

March 1, 2009

i believe it is an obligation.

Of course others disagree, but i’ve always said that concealed carry should be required of all  men over twenty-seven and women over twelve.  Make that twelve and over…


(via Instapundit)

Factually Accurate…

March 1, 2009

And yet, wrong.


(Via HotAir.)

Buyers Remorse?

February 28, 2009


OBAMA SUPPORTERS ON WALL STREET EXPERIENCING BUYER’S REMORSE: “Noteworthy up here on Wall Street, a great many Obama supporters — especially hedge-fund types who voted for ‘change’ — are becoming disillusioned with the performances of Obama and Treasury man Geithner. There is a growing sense of buyer’s remorse.”

Problem is, they only thought they were buyers. Actually, they were renters, and the lease is up.

Personally, I don’t understand the mentality of anybody on Wall Street(*) that, living in the freest and most economically successful country in history, voted for “change”.

Update: *or anybody else, for that matter…

John Allison @ Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights

February 28, 2009

Found this linked at Instapundit.com. It’s an interesting – if long – discussion that explains what went wrong with the economy from a perspective within the financial community. Worth the time for anyone who wants to understand what happened, what needs to happen to fix it, and what will go wrong if it isn’t fixed.

Personally, I would have liked it if he had dwelled a little more on Government Debt being the underlying cause.

“Nobody Messes With Joe”

February 27, 2009

Because, you know … “It’s not fair to pick on crips.”

Nationalize the Banks?

February 23, 2009

I dunno, but after finding out that:

Lindsey Graham, the conservative Republican senator, … wouldn’t take the idea off the table…

Well, lets just say I’m not keen on the idea.

One. More. Reason. To. Tea-Party.

Also another example of why the RINOS must be purged.

(Found on Drudge.)

Governor Buffoninator

February 22, 2009

First you strong-armed members of you “own” party into accepting an unforgivable tax hike.  Then you come out in favor of taking Bobby Jindal’s table scraps.


You’re a laughing stock.


(From the headlines at Ace’s.)


UPDATE: Fuck you, Aronld. I voted for McClintock.

Hope for Change!

February 18, 2009

Congratulations to Dennis Hollingsworth, who has been selected as California State Senate Republican Leader largely because of his stance AGAINST tax increases to balance the state buget.

“Sure Hope He Doesn’t Go Lefty On Us”?

February 15, 2009



(from the headlines at HotAir.)



Why Do i Feel Skeptical?

February 15, 2009

The New York Times is telling me who the “real” Republican is.

As Republican whip, Mr. Cantor succeeded again on Friday in denying the White House the support of a single House Republican on the stimulus bill.

Good for him!  But why is the NYT so willing to shine some limelight on him?

… Beyond that, friends of both say that Mr. Gingrich is more intellectually adventurous than Mr. Cantor, but also more prone to overreach.

Ahh … a Republican that can be easily tied to Newt Gangrich yet won’t “overreach”. Now i think i’m beginning to understand.  But what do they mean by not overreaching?

Mr. Cantor acknowledged that Mr. Obama had won points from the public for appearing less partisan than Republicans in this battle…

 It seems that Mr. Cantor knows his place, doesn’t it?




(From the headlines at HotAir.)